An Alternative to Elm - Part 2

Part 2 of 2: An Alternative to Elm.

If you missed Part 1: click here

So I went to look for an alternative that isn’t Javascript. There are 2 that probably piqued my interest. Purescript and Ocaml/ReasonML/Bucklescript.

Purescript, I just felt that over the last year, there hasn’t been much activity and it seems like they are just happy with it being hard for outsiders to learn. If you already know Haskell, it seems like a great choice, but maybe not for beginners. To be honest, I didn’t look too much into it and it just seemed just as “hard” as Haskell. It may be a viable option in the future.

Haskell itself seemed like something I want to learn in the future, but only for my curiosity. It seems like the language is more for researchers and less solid for production use. It has a lot of historical baggage, which Purescript apparently fixed a lot of, but still has many breaking changes with versions. It’s also kind of slow to compile. At least from what I hear.

You may want to do your own research on Purescript and Haskell as I really don’t much myself.

OCaml/ReasonML/Bucklescript - This is the option I chose for now and am learning about.

First off, I think when people see the OCaml/ReasonML/Bucklescript, they get intimated and confused. I know I did. So I want to explain what each is.

I chose OCaml over ReasonML though and here’s why:

Here’s why I chose Bucklescript:

I know, its weird the choices I made, it seems to contradict one another a bit, but its what I went with for now.

Here are the reasons why I’m choosing OCaml/Bucklescript-TEA over Elm:

Here are some downsides:

Anyways, I think there are some great upsides to using OCaml with Bucklescript-TEA over Elm. It already includes most of the great features of Elm but with more. You should take a look if you are seeking an alternative to Elm or other Javascript web frameworks. I’m going to post more about it in the future. Thanks for reading all the way here if you actually finished this, both parts.
